Monday, October 13, 2008

Common Questions during IQA

I've been doing alot of presentation on how to conduct IQA, sometimes old habit die hard, I tend to be technical with the jargons, so since my posting is derived from my presentation, I hope I can enlighten you with the audit methods.

When you come to the place to audit, introduce yourself and inform your auditee the reasons for the visit. DO not intimidate your auditee, auditee suppose to assist the auditee and not find faults on the audit site. (You should have with you, Quality Questionnaires and Quality plan)

Here's are more example on questions you may ask during your audit?
  1. Do you know what is the company quality policy? (make sure the policy is visually display)
  2. Do you know how to operate this machine? Can you show me how to conduct quality check/test?
  3. Where's the quality tools? (check if the tools have proper identification, calibrated & easy to access)
  4. Where is the SOP? (Check if the SOP has validation, updated and easy to understand)
  5. Do you go through any training? (check his training records to verify)
  6. Where are your checklist?
  7. How often do you check the item?
  8. If you are on day off, who take over your job as operator/QC checker?
  9. Who is the QMR?(we need to ensure quality is communicated throughout the organisation, from top down)
  10. other relevant questions.
Remember to cross reference with records or other employee to verify the answer.
Once the audit is done, thank the auditee and do share some improvement activities for the site too.

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